PakTaleem - Free online courses with exam preparation
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PakTaleem is designed to provide quality online exam preparation services. Students, Parents, Teachers, Institutions, and organizations can benefit from this website to prepare for exams.
We have developed highly productive courses exam preparation courses for matric and intermediate. All the online exam preparation courses are freely available to students. Teachers, institutions and organizations can either develop their own online exam preparation courses or buy our fully optimized courses to teach/train, manage and record students'/employees progress.
PakTaleem's online exam preparation courses are highly effective and tested on real classrooms. Students using these courses have earned highest grades which they never even imagined earlier. Students can also hire highly experienced online home tutors for any subject.
Main features of our PakTaleem's online exam preparation system include:
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Available courses

A perfect course for beginners to let them learn all the basic skills including some professional skills to perform tasks in Microsoft Windows XP with ease.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Sanodia Ijaz

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Syed Toheed Gillani

This course teaches how to use Microsoft Word 2006 like a Pro and perform tasks quickly using the tools and features of Microsoft Word 2006.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Syed Toheed Gillani

This course teaches how to use Inpage like a professional and get most out of it.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

This course will teach you how to use Corel Draw 12 to create professional drawings, visiting card, brouchers, banners etc.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

This course teaches you how to use Microsoft Excel to ease your day to day calculations and managing different accounts.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: sofia ijaz

This course teaches how to create stunning powerpoint presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint 2006
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Sanodia Ijaz

This is complete exam preparation course for Intermediate English Part I. The course includes:
- Translation Lectures of first 12 lessons
- Synonyms Tests
- MCQs Tests
- Use of Verbs Tests
- Question / Answer Tests
- Translation Tests
- Complete Papers
and much more ....
The course is free for all the students. Teachers can also use the course to teach and easily track progress of their students.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Syed Toheed Gillani

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Sanodia Ijaz

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Syed Toheed Gillani
- Teacher: Sanodia Ijaz

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Syed Toheed Gillani

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Solutions of Trigonometric Equations) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 16 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Inverse Trigonometric Functions) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 34 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Application of Trigonometry) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 81 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Trigonometric Functions and their Graphs) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 64 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana
This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Trigonometric Identities) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 204 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Muhammad Awais
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Fundamentals of Trigonometry) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 125 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Muhammad Awais
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 85 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Muhammad Awais
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Permutations,Combinations And Probability) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 118 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Sequences And Series) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 105 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Partial Fractions) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 44 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Kashif Mehmood
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Quadratic Equations) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 114 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Matrices And Determinants) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 97 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Sets, Functions And Groups) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 176 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Kashif Mehmood
- Teacher: Hafiza Rizwana

This online exam preparation course covers chapter (Number systems) of Intermediate Part I Mathematics (11th class).
This course consists of 166 objective and 0 short questions.
- Teacher: Muhammad Awais
- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Syed Toheed Gillani

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Sanodia Ijaz

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari
- Teacher: Syed Toheed Gillani

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari

- Teacher: Mahtab Bukhari